Friday 13 April 2012

I'm not dead! Also I made a "friend"

For all of my hundreds of readers!
Don't worry I'm not dead, I just really like to procrastinate.... a lot! Many things have happened over the 2 month span that I didn't write about, and maybe someday I will write about them. But today I will post a nice story that happened not too long ago.

So a couple of weeks ago Joe, Greg (Joe's buddy) , and I went for an early morning skateboard session down at millennium park at around 7 am on a Saturday (yes, were that hardcore!). We arrive and it is a little brisk and no one else was around so we sit down on a ledge and pile all of our stuff together to get ready to shred. As we are sitting around talking we see this girl rollerblading just giving it her all! She spots us and starts making her way towards us, This is when we notice that she might be a little on the weirdo side. She pulls up and she says to me "HIGH FIVE!" and I noticed something was in her hand, so i stuck my hand out and we high fived but at the same time she tried putting what was in her hand into mine, so it became some awkward prolonged hand touching ordeal. I looked into my hand and the thing she gave me seemed to be the back of a broken watch. I looked back up at Joe and he was giving me one of those "WTF?" faces, I tossed him the special treasure which i received and he just smirked. "I`m Chantelle" she than said to us, and we introduced ourselves as well.

Besides that awkward moment you could tell she was a little "off" just by what she was wearing. To start off one of the wheels on her Rollerblades was totally missing! She was wearing this nasty puke dirreah green skirt with pink trim that was all wavy and frilly at the bottom. Under that she was wearing tights, with the thickest furriest leg warmers created. She had a tank top on with some other normalish shirt and one of those big puffy black vests. Various things were wrapped around her wrists, such as elastics, bracelets, beads, and even a nice Nixon watch. She was wearing one glove, the ones that bums wear without fingers, and her fingernails were just filthy. She was wearing these sunglasses that were just all over the place on the crazy scale, they were blue and red and white in colour and the lenses were square but not aligned or proportional to each other. To top it all off she had an old school bicycle helmet that fit snug to her head. Other than all that she looked pretty normal...

A rough drawing to give you a better picture of what she looked like.

After skating for a bit, she asked Greg if she could use his phone. She was talking on it for quite a while, while we were just cruising around. Finally she got off and gave Greg back her phone and said "I put my name and number in there just in case". After more skating she asked to use it again, and this time invited one of her buddies to come to the skate park, later Greg got a text from her buddy haha!

The whole time we were skating, she would take a rest and start building towers or playing with the garbage that was surrounding her, it didn't matter how filthy it was. Once she disappeared into one of the bowls and came back out holding her purse with a dog leash wrapped around it. Near the end of the session we sat back down on the ledge and she came rolling over and sat right on Greg's jackets. She than explained to us that she missed out partying the night before because she was walking her "dog" and that it wouldn't be a good idea to bring a dog to the skate park so she left it at "home". She also explained that her "car" got impounded and she was going to go get it back that day.

We decided we better leave, but i still had many questions going through my mind such as; does she have a dog or a car? does she even live in a house, and if so why was she by herself at a skate park at 7 in the morning? was her friend even going to show up?
These questions may never be answered, but I sure am excited to see what crazy person we run into next time we go to the skate park!